My favorite sandwich is Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato or (BLT); it has been for a while. It wasn't always, but when you try a lot of things your tastes and favorites tend to change. My favorite version of this particular sandwich has: red tomato and lettuce. Also, slightly crispy bacon that's not flimsy or burnt. Bacon that's firm, but not over done. Those three ingredients between rye bread with mayonnaise spread on it.
First off, obviously the bacon can be cooked to different degrees. I'm pretty sure that bacon is already cooked when it's packaged, don't hold me to it though. Therefore, I suppose you could eat uncooked bacon from the package and put it on a BLT, but I would never. I doubt it tastes good, but I prefer a bit of crunch to my bacon, so I would never eat it uncooked anyway. At any rate, you can put slightly cooked, half done or burnt bacon on your BLT. The burnt will have the strongest taste and will therefore have the greatest impact on the overall taste of the sandwich you put it on, in this case the BLT. I like mine cooked to a medium amount of done.
Moving on to the next ingredient, lettuce. Believe it or not, lettuce can have a bit of an impact on sandwiches. The first thing worth noting is that you should thoroughly rinse you lettuce. Whether it came from a place that uses pesticides, or just plain has dirt on it, it is good to rinse lettuce thoroughly. I'm sure that you would hate to taste dirt or be poisoned. Aside from that, lettuce can be bland which is why in a salad it is usually accompanied by a dressing. Sense lettuce doesn't have the most flavor ever, I put one slice of it, roughly bread size, on the BLT. If I put too much on it gets everywhere.
Also, the tomato can have a variety of flavors (or it can be just plain bland) depending on the kind of tomato plant. Tomatoes come in more then one color and each color varies in taste. It's kind of hard to put cherry tomatoes on a BLT, though I suppose you could. Honestly, I've never tried it before; you'd have to slice them and then lay them flat on the sandwich. However, cherry tomatoes is more of a salad conversation. Personally, I just buy the cheapest tomatoes because, in my BLT, I look more for the taste of the bacon.
And lettuce not forget the bread on either side! Like a said in my Grilled Cheese post, I hadn't always considered other bread besides white bread. Now that I've tried many different kinds of breads on a BLT, I would have to say that rye bread is my favorite bread to use for it. If you mayonnaise the bread to much, the first taste that it is going to cover up is the taste of the bread.
BLT, being my favorite sandwich, made me consider whether or not I really wanted to experiment with its formula. After all, it was already good, why risk it? I'll tell you why, it could've gotten better, and it did. I changed the bread from white to rye. If I had decided that I didn't like a specific kind of bread I would have just used it for something else anyways, so no waste there.
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